
Imagineering student wins T-mobile battle

Hereby I can proudly say that I won the T-mobile battle at battleofconcepts.nl. Their question was: "How can we positively influence the perception of waiting time in the T-mobile shops".

A total of 129 concepts were sent in. The T-mobile jury was very enthusiastic, and rewarded my concept with the first prize and an amount of 1500 euro. The concept is now under consideration within T-mobile to see how they can make it operational. The company does not yet want to reveal anything about what the concept entitles...so I will not either. This achievement ensured me with a 34th place in the category students and Young Professionals. My victory contributed to NHTV Breda’s rising to 8th place in the ranking of Universities (of applied sciences). NHTV is currently represented in the Battle of Concepts by as many as 12 students.

What is Battle of Concepts?

Battle of Concepts is a crowd sourcing platform to which institutions and companies can introduce issues that will be resolved by students and Young Professionals (bachelors and masters up to age 30). This platform makes it possible for companies to generate the most innovative ideas and to get in touch with the people behind them. Contestants have the opportunity to win money and to be discovered by the participating companies. With a Talent Pool of 4000 members, Battle of Concepts is the largest brainstorming institution in the Netherlands. Participating companies are (a.o). Rabobank, Nuon, TNT, Mars, Dutch national and local authorities, TNO, Nationale-Nederlanden en Prorail. These companies have already made almost 300.000 euro available in prize money.

For more information...Battle of Concepts


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Dirk,

    Great news. Congratulations!

    Best regards,
    Rob Simons

  3. Wow, congratulations Dirk! Good job! I'm very proud!

    I'm very curious what it is like, it must be very good (of course!) ;) Have fun celebrating your victory!

  4. Lauri Tähkä on homo

  5. Jos vituttaa saatanasti muut ymmärtää sen kyllä jos laitan vitutuksen piikkiin mun kiroiluni
